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Writing every day is good exercise. This is me exercising...

andrew jeter
Apr 29, 20201 min read
A Return
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem about something that returns.) [Just like last year, I got behind at the end. No matter, it is...
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andrew jeter
Apr 28, 20202 min read
They'll Do.
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a paean to the stalwart hero of your household: your pet. Sing high your praises and tell the tale of...
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andrew jeter
Apr 26, 20201 min read
The Chorus
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem in the form of a review. But not a review of a book or a movie of a restaurant. Instead, I...
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andrew jeter
Apr 24, 20201 min read
Shopping List at The End
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: Because it’s a Saturday, I have an (optional) prompt for you that takes a little time to work through —...
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andrew jeter
Apr 23, 20201 min read
An orange splits open
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write about a particular fruit – your choice.) [To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to this still life...
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andrew jeter
Apr 20, 20201 min read
Together In This
When the sandhill cranes struggle up into their mighty V, the gust and flap of wings becomes a unison call—honk, honk honk! I am here!...
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andrew jeter
Apr 18, 20202 min read
I Decided to Read the News Today
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem based on a “walking archive.” What’s that? Well, it’s when you go on a walk and gather up...
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andrew jeter
Apr 17, 20201 min read
Fo(u)r Haiku
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write an ode to life’s small pleasures. Perhaps it’s the first sip of your morning coffee. Or finding some...
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andrew jeter
Apr 17, 20201 min read
Jumping Rope
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem that features forgotten technology.)[I have a lot of students who know what those things are and...
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andrew jeter
Apr 16, 20201 min read
Seeing the World in Blues, Purples, and Greens
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem of over-the-top compliments.)[I was so not feeling this prompt. It mentions the Cole Porter song...
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andrew jeter
Apr 14, 20201 min read
Spring Along a River
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem inspired by your favorite kind of music.)[So, two things: 1) a friend asked me the other day...
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andrew jeter
Apr 14, 20204 min read
What I See
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem that deals with the poems, poets, and other people who inspired you to write poems.) [This was...
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andrew jeter
Apr 13, 20201 min read
Again Tomorrow
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a non-apology for the things you’ve stolen.) I suppose I’m sorry I took them from your soft, pink lips,...
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andrew jeter
Apr 12, 20202 min read
They are useful...
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a triolet.) [Ugh, my least favorite—rhyming. I actually tried, for what it is worth, but just couldn't...
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andrew jeter
Apr 11, 20201 min read
Narcissus Reminds
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem in which one or more flowers take on specific meanings.) Before the daisy or rudbeckia announce...
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andrew jeter
Apr 10, 20201 min read
The Hay(na)ku, for what it's worth...
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: This is another one from the archives, first suggested to us by long-time Na/GloPoWriMo participant Vince...
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andrew jeter
Apr 9, 20201 min read
How to Cook One
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a “concrete” poem – a poem in which the lines and words are organized to take a shape that reflects in...
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andrew jeter
Apr 7, 20202 min read
After All
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: to peruse the work of one or more of these twitter bots, and use a line or two, or a phrase or even a word...
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andrew jeter
Apr 7, 20201 min read
April 7, 2020
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: [write] a poem based on a news article.)[No.] On the south side of my property is a red flag dangling from a...
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andrew jeter
Apr 6, 20201 min read
Ipse dixit
(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write [an ekphrastic] poem from the point of view of one person/animal/thing from Hieronymous Bosch’s famous...
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