When the sandhill cranes struggle up
into their mighty V, the gust and flap of
wings becomes a unison call—honk, honk
honk! I am here! Follow me! Be together
in this! Let us make this easier for you!
I notice them now, from my window,
when the roads and shelves are
mostly empty and the animals have
started to creep back into the world.
Note from 4/20/2020 - from the NaPoWriMo prompt: Find a poem in a language that you don’t know, and perform a “homophonic translation” on it. What does that mean? Well, it means to try to translate the poem simply based on how it sounds. You may not wind up with a credible poem at the end, but this can be a fun way to step outside of your own mind for a bit, and develop a poem that speaks in a distinctive voice. [Perhaps I was not literal enough.]