To say that March has been difficult would be, of course, a gross understatement. The world has ended and we are just starting to figure out how to live in the new world. (That's not too dramatic, is it?) Part of living in this new world is writing—writing to process, writing to remain sane, writing to communicate what this world looks like and what we want it to be.
My three projects right now include 1) learning to teach online, 2) fast-tracking my work to get the Summer Writing website updated, 3) getting ready for NaPoWriMo 2020, and 4) completing the first draft of So Many Fishes... I guess that's four. Whatever. I write, I don't math.
1. Learning to teach online is like learning to create a place for people to work on their writing with other writers. Oh, yeah, like a writing center. So, I'm going to spend the rest of the school year rethinking my past work as a WC director and classroom compositionist. I'm also going to be trying a labor-based rubric (completed by writer and teacher) for the work moving forward. (Thanks to my friend Nicole at UC Santa Barbra for the template!) Should be interesting.
2. The Summer Writing webpage needs an overhaul for the times. I started it before spring break and need to get it completed for April 1st. Look for updates.
3. Getting ready for NaPoWriMo is both exciting and pre-exhausting. It will be interesting this year to see if it is easier because I don' have to take 10 hours to be at school... We'll see.
4. So Many Fishes feels like the project that wouldn't die. I'm still plugging away though. This spring break it has been nice to have time dedicated to it, but it has made me realize how much more work there is to do. Onward and upward! (The picture here is my organizational strategy. Little pieces of paper! I figure, if it worked for my dissertation...)