(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write [an ekphrastic] poem from the point of view of one person/animal/thing from Hieronymous Bosch’s famous (and famously bizarre) triptychThe Garden of Earthly Delights.)[Again, I am a little off task here because I'm pretty sure NaPoWriMo didn't intend for me to pick a "person/animal/thing" from the not-so-famous exterior of the famous painting. Remind me to tell you some time about the "research paper" I wrote when I was a sophomore in high school...]

He said—
what I want,
what you want,
what I will do to you
if you do what
you want.
The human triptych—
what I want
will never be what
I can have
or what I
Trichotomous self,
what he made us—
a mirror in
all things
what we want
and can have.
(This was not the kind of thing I like to write, necessarily, but since it is April... The above image is from the top left corner of the outside of the wings for the piece. It has a particularly interesting story itself and the image of a seated God holding a bible is a part of that. The image below is the entire exterior.)
