(from the NaPoWriMo prompt: write a poem that similarly presents a scene from an unusual point of view. Perhaps you could write a poem that presents Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery from the perspective of the apple. Or the shootout at the OK Corral from the viewpoint of a passing vulture. Or maybe it could be something as everyday as a rainstorm, as experienced by a raindrop.)

I build the green shoot
deep inside me
and then
when the ground warms
and I can feel the heat
from the returning sun above me...
I send my green shoot
up into the still cool air
and I stretch and pull myself
higher and higher
toward the warm shine above me.
I feel my long green shoot
bend and sway
with the rain and wind
as I prepare my purple star sphere
to bloom high above me.
I live in my long green shoot
from spring day to
spring day until
the red door opens and it
staggers out, wielding silver blades
to cut me down from above.